GeoExt 3 Codesprint
Yesterday a group of GeoExt developers came together in Bonn (Germany) to set the foundation for the new GeoExt 3 which will be built upon ExtJS 6 and OpenLayers 3. In Bonn itself 9 sprinters attended on-site and one sprinter worked remotely from Greece.The Codesprint has been sponsored by several companies and agencies (either by providing developer manpower or by money donations):
- Bistum Eichstätt
- Boundless
- Compass Informatics Ltd
- Landesamt für Geoinformation und Landentwicklung Baden Württemberg
- Landplan AG
- meggsimum
- terrestris GmbH & Co. KG
Thank you for supporting GeoExt!
Day 1 - Getting Started
After a decent warmup we had some strategic conversations before hitting the keys. First of all we defined the objectives of the sprint in order to get a kind of prioritized roadmap. After that Kai and Marc presented their work on ExtJS 6 and OpenLayers 3 which tackeled a lot of the architectural project setup (e. g. the package structure and a test suite) and even some class impementations (e.g. a MapPanel and a basic LayerTree), which were demonstrated as working examples. The sprinters agreed to use this pre-work as a good starting point for the implementation stage and therefore we merged the code of Marc and Kais work into the project master.
After that a lot of strategic discussions were done, which were very productive and necessary to get a common understanding of what we want to achieve.
Later the day we started hacking and tackled the following tasks:
The MapPanel class has been reworked to an ExtJS Component and is no more a ExtJS Panel in order to avoid overnesting, which is a first step for mobile support.
The implementation of a FeatureRenderer started and will be continued the next days.
First tests for mobile support have been done.
A script for generating example skeletons has been implemented.
Work on the print package started and will be continued the next days.
The GeoExt package (to use in Sencha Cmd architectures) is now available on remote resource.
So a lot has been done but still many more to do. Stay tuned!
Special thanks to the "GeoExt chef Till", who supported us with an excellent soup for lunch!
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